+1(403) 375-8777

Calgary Alberta


"Oil & Gas Consulting and Resource Development"


Petrokana is primarily focusing on acquisitions of assets with potential in value creation, and expending oil and gas production in Canada.
April 25 2019, Petrokana acquired an Oil Sands Lease with 100% working interest (WI) at NW, NE and SE of Section 21 Township 55 Range 4 of 4th Meriden within the Cold Lake Oil Sands Area in Alberta, Canada. Oil production is anticipated to be produced from Mannville Group through primary recovery via deviated, vertical or horizontal wells. Petrokana is also interested to do business in various regions from North Americas, Middle East, Asia Pacific, South America/Africa, and China with their energy companies and provides support to the local communities.
Petrokana has currently secured a project support and engineering services contract with a reputable upstream services company in Calgary, Canada.

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